Friday, July 11, 2008

Television Fast 2

So I have decided to take note and follow Amanda Blake Soule (of check out her blog its AMAZING) but anyway she posts a picture a day of summer... I have decided to post 30 days of things I am doing besides watching TV. It will force the creativity out of me:) So stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Television Fast

This picture has nothing to do with the post, but it does make me laugh everytime I see my huge piece of cake....Ok so I have wanted to Quilt for a while, I want a big bright quilt engulfing my bed, which makes me smile everytime I see it, although I never seem to have enough time in the day to do it. Then just the other night my boyfriend and I were discussing how we want to raise our fictious children, I said no TV, and then it got us talking about how much we watch... I insisted that I hardly touch the remote control at all, don't watch it, unless I am cuddling up at his house, and then he reminded me about how many episodes of CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York, Law and Or.... ok I get it ! I watch alot of TV. Usually when I am by myself with apparently nothing better to do. My parents didn't allow us to watch more then one show a week growing up, and we were always outside creating things or hiking through the woods or drawing or reading, basically having tons of fun and getting into a little bit of trouble. So I have decided, tomorrow no more TV, I dont know how long I will last or if it should include movies or if I should refrain from watching it when I visit at friends and boyfriends houses.... I really dont think I will have tight rules. But I want to get back to writing letters to friends, hand written ones, which reminds me I owe my New York pen pal a letter! I want to quilt and take pictures, I want to wake up with the sunrise and go running.... And no TV for me!

Monday, July 7, 2008


So this fourth of July has been super busy! Not only was this Katie and David 's( my favorite couple in the world) 4th anniversary (Four YEARS! It seems like yesterday Katie and I were flinging whip cream at un-suspecting Baskin Robbins customers, and now she is MARRIED, for four years, to the nicest guy ever) But now I have yet another reason to celebrate! Jovan's parents got married this last Saturday, and I got to take pictures! What an awesome ceremony of celebration it was! And the empanada's that Abby and Jimmy made, delish! I pray that the adoption of a child in need of Laura and Mike's love move swiftly!