Friday, January 22, 2010

You know when you think your doing oh so good?

And then it hits you like one of those wild pigs you see on Man vs. Wild that you may not be doing as good as you think you are? Its 3:30 in the afternoon and I am in my pjs, Sans Makeup, Sans Bra, Sans Decency. This week obviously has been stinky, well stinky is my pg word I am using, but its actually been a little bit more smelly then stinky. A cupcake would be nice right now, who am I kidding, a half a dozen vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting would be heaven. At the beginning of this week I decided it would be a genius idea to call the ex. Ok well I thought that it was God's idea, I read Hebrews 12:14-15 "make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy, without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Maybe he wasnt saying "Lauren you actually need to tell your ex boyfriend that you are bitter sad angry want to throw all his pictures into a large bonfire," but at 12:30 at night thats what I thought. In hinsight I see that he was saying, "Hey Lauren, why don't you pray for him tonight and ask me to take these not so nice feelings you have for him away." But I am impetious, I want what I want and then when I do it, I stop and think about I called him and we talked, maybe not the best idea eh? So last night I think I learned this lesson, I got on my knees and I cried and cried and I prayed for him, for his girlfriend (yes yes yes he has a girlfriend, eww I know and she is nice and pretty which makes me say eww even more... ok backtracking) like real pray, not like the hey God if you have time bless him, but the God please bless him right now, please let him really grasp what you want him to do in the life, please let him be the best boyfriend ever to said nice and pretty girl, and then I called my best friend. Who in her infinete married wisdom (she is married to the most Godfearing, Kindest, Smartest man ever!) she made me write out a list. A list of qualities that I want in a husband. And it was great, cause I like my future husband, he recyles, holds my hand,he's freaking dreamy mcdreamy, and tall, and has a heart for missions, likes bike rides and walks, will surprise and compliment me, loves theme dinners and dressing up as famous couples on halloween (ok maybe he doesnt love that but he will do it for me)but most of all he will be the Spiritual Leader, he will put the Lord's will first and he will pray for me and with me and lift me up when I need it and I can't wait. But to quote yet another friend I need to be happy being single. And confession I am not. Another confession, I haven't been doing my Jan. Resolutions and its almost Feb, I know horrible. So I am starting over again, new beginning. Alright actually I feel much better getting this out of my system and I am sure all my friends who are on my speed dial are glad that I am too. So if you got through this novel which I now think will rival War and Peace I commend you and I will try to promise that I wont use this to vent again. I really need to step up my blogging. Like actually put some interesting stuff up here once and a while. Tomorrow I am going to the best burrito place in town and I cant wait! I hope your weekend is full of mind blowing goodness. xoxo

1 comment:

Katie said...

I absolutely love reading your blogs, the good and the bad ones. Your writings have made me realize that we are so alike...and in so many ways. The fact that you read too far into a quote had a comforting effect on me, because it showed me that I'm not the only person out there that has done that. I have let my emotions lead me far more times than I wish to admit...I've looked for a sign when I shouldn't have...etc etc etc.

I wish I could be there for you in more ways than just facebook and blog messages. Let me know what I can do!

And keep's very therapeutic! :)