My friend Amanda and I have challenged ourselves to do things out of our comfort zone.
So far we have come up with:
Zip lining
Building a House for Habitat for Humanity. Hammers and I don't mix, so we will see how that goes, maybe if they need someone to sew floral pillows or need someone to find sweet thrift store deals for the interior....
Any other suggestions?
PS. I am taking dancing lessons with one of my favorite couples and a poor unfortunate soul who I promised only to step on his feet seven times each lesson, pray for him.
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
Hey Lauren, I hope youre doing well. I think you would be amazed at how easy using power tools actually is. Let me know how the habitat adventure goes.
I'll be sure to pick it up soon. I found an old copy of The Winter of Our Discontent and For Whom the Bell Tolls on the cheap, so it'll be 3rd on the list. Thanks for reading.
Hey Lauren,
I just wanted to let you know I finished Donald Miller's book yesterday after some time. There was a copy of it floating around the trip library, but it always seemed to be under someone else's nose. So I bought it while roaming around downtown Seattle yesterday, and it was definitely worth reading. I'd like to know your thoughts on it, if you feel so inclined. My email is, hope you're well.
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