Let me start of by saying, I am terrified of flying,and not the cute oh look she's so nervous flyer... you know the person that grabs hold of the seats, says prayers outloud, and the ocassional eye welling up with tears person, the person that you pray doesn't sit next to you? Well thats me, except I sometimes will grab a-hold of the person next to me too, when turbulance strikes... did I mention my dad's a pilot? Did I mention that I have 15 stamps in my passport and fly quite regularly? How embaressing, but thats me everytime. And since my parent's live in Europe there is no escaping the dreaded plane, but I made it here safe and sound praise the Lord.
Here are a few snapshots from the vacation so far, which besides the flights, all 6 of them, has been utterly delightful and I know I am hecka blessed!

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